
Jeff Scroggin: The Looming Possibility of Tax Reform

Sun 29th Oct, 2017 General

LISI constantly strives to expand the services we make available to our members. For the first time, LISI is providing a PowerPoint deck developed by long-time LISI commentator Jeff Scroggin titled “The Looming Possibility of Tax Reform.” The slides are provided in an open format that allows members to add, change, update or delete the materials. Included in the materials are detailed and informative notes to provide insights to the presentations.  

John J. “Jeff” Scroggin holds a B.S.B.A. (accounting), J.D. and LL.M (tax) from the University of Florida and serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Law Center Association at the University of Florida Levin College of Law. He is a founding member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Florida Tax Institute. Jeff was Founding Editor of the NAEPC Journal of Estate and Tax Planning from 2006-2011 and served on the NAEPC Board of Directors from 2002 to 2010. Jeff is the author of over 260 published articles on tax, business and estate planning issues and is a nationally recognized speaker. Jeff has been quoted extensively in the media, including in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes magazine, the New York Times, Fortune magazine, Kiplinger’s, Money, Smart Money, the New York Times International Herald Tribune, the Chicago Tribune, the South China Post, the LA Times, and the Miami Herald.


On September 27th the United Framework for Fixing our Broken Tax Code (the Plan”) was released. Since the Plan was released there has been continuous speculation and disagreement about the final terms of any tax reform. The mainstream media has offered wide (and often divergent) projections on the final provisions of the Plan, the impact of the Plan on taxpayers and the impediments to its final passage.

Equally uncertain is when any tax reform bill was land on the President’s desk. The Treasury Secretary has indicated that he hoped to have the bill on the President’s desk by early December. Most commentators expect that any final tax reform bill will not get out of Congress until sometime in 2018.

The significant undeclared terms of the plan have made numerous clients anxious about what is coming and how they should plan. Tax advisors are being asked by clients to provide insights on what comes next.  Many LISI members are being asked to talk to local and regional groups about the potential impact of looming tax reform, but may feel uncomfortable speaking about end results with so little information to rely upon.


LISI constantly strives to expand the services we make available to our members. For the first time, LISI is providing a PowerPoint deck developed by long-time LISI commentator Jeff Scroggin, for the use of our members. The slides are provided in an open format that allows members to add, change, update or delete the materials. Included in the materials are detailed and informative notes to provide insights to the presentations.

We appreciate Jeff Scroggin’s offer to make these Tax Reform materials available to LISI members. Subject to the conditions noted below, Jeff has renounced his copyright to the materials to allow LISI members the use of the Power Point slides.

The materials are current through Sunday October 15, 2017. This is an area of constant change and LISI members should keep abreast of the changes before using (e.g., will the state and local itemized deduction be eliminated or reduced?) or modifying (i.e., beware of inadvertent misstatements) the slides.

The attachments include a PDF of the slides with the notes, along with the slides in PowerPoint format. Click these links to access the PDF and the PowerPoint deck:

Source: LISI Estate Planning Newsletter #2590 (October 16, 2017) at   Copyright 2017 Leimberg Information Services, Inc. (LISI).  Reproduction in Any Form or Forwarding to Any Person Prohibited – Without Express Permission.

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